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Committees and Council

The Chamber has a number of industry based committees and councils.  These groups focus on issues of importance to the many sectors of the Middlesex County economy.


Chairman: Bob Fusari, Real Estate Services of CT, Inc.

Chamber Staff Liaison: Sara Mendillo

Meetings occur on the third Friday of each month, at 9:30 AM, in the Chamber Conference Room.

The Affordable Housing Committee was created in 2007 to provide a voice for the business community in the important housing based conversations in Middlesex County. The committee includes developers, lenders, realtors, non-profit liaisons, attorneys and other professionals. The Affordable Housing Committee has hosted many successful events including a session on Planning for a Vibrant Downtown, an event connecting developers to available housing incentives, and a special luncheon with the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The committee will continue to work with other key stakeholders in Middlesex County to stress housing as an economic driver, and to be a resource to the chamber at large on housing related issues.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Sara Mendillo

Affordable Housing Committee- Square


Chair: Lori Lodge, MARC: Community Resources

Staff Liaison: Joe Santaniello

Ambassadors are highly visible, prestigious volunteers who serve as the Chamber's primary liaison to new Chamber members. Considered the goodwill arm of the Chamber, the Ambassador committee plays an essential role in member communication and retention, and each Ambassador is charged with conveying members needs, questions and concerns to Chamber staff, keeping our Chamber in line with our members desires.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Joe Santaniello

Click here to learn more! 



Staff Liaison: Johanna Bond

The Arrigoni Bridge Committee was established to provide a more formal communication channel between local elected officials, the Department of Transportation and the business community. Initially the meetings focused on safety issues and how to address situations where an accident has occurred. Establishing a traffic alert system for the public, the dissemination of alternative routes and improving responses have been some of the positive results of this committee.

The committee was reactivated for the recent bridge repair and rehabilitation project. Efforts were coordinated between state and local officials to mitigate any disruptions these repairs caused.

The committee will reconvene when needed. This committee is a closed committee.

Portland & East Hampton Division- Square


Chairman: Richard Parmelee, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP

Staff LiasionSteve Ciskowski

The Audit Committee works with independent auditors and the Controller to make sure the financial statements are accurate and in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. They are involved in the planning of the audit of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce and the Business Industry Foundation of Middlesex County to review and accept the financial statements.

This committee is a closed committee.



Rich Jukonski, Jukonski Auto Sales, Ltd.

Michael Turner, Portland Automotive

Staff Liaison: Lorenzo Marshall

The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce began an Automotive Council in 1987 to promote good business and trade among the automotive industry in Middlesex County. Over the past 30 years, the council has worked hard to bring hot issues and current trends to the table for discussion and resolution. The Council has addressed many issues that have helped local businesses in this very important business cluster. Through the years, the chamber and council have maintained a working relationship with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Connecticut Automotive Retailers Association, which allows our members a great avenue to utilize when questions or problems arise. The council continues to meet quarterly to address legislative, insurance, and other issues specific to the automotive dealers and repairers of Middlesex County.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Lorenzo Marshall

Automotive Council- Square



Todd Corey, American Eagle Financial Credit Union

Rosario Rizzo

Staff Liaison: Jennifer De Kine

Meetings occur on the first Tuesday of each month during the school year, at 8:00 a.m. in the Chamber Conference Room.

“A Partnership Today….A Better Future Tomorrow”
The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce’s Business & Education Partnership Program plays a key role in strengthening the ties between Business and Education in Middlesex County, and always welcome businesses to become members of the partnership.

Business Education on the Mechanism of Golden Gears. Business Education - Illustration with Glow Effect and Lens Flare. Business Education - Concept. Business Education - Industrial Design. 3D.

The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce’s Business & Education Partnership Advisory Council continues to serve as a link between member businesses and educational leaders from Middlesex County Schools. Their Mission is to facilitate and encourage the development of mutually supportive partnerships between schools and businesses, for the purpose of enriching the educational process for our students, by providing services and opportunities, that assist our schools in preparing them for their future as responsible and productive citizens for our global economy.

The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce’s Business & Education Partnership Advisory Council in partnership with Middlesex County's Schools and Wesleyan University’s Jewett Center for Community Partnerships, annually presents a Career Fair Expo for Middlesex County High School students.

The aim of the Career Fair Expo is to introduce students to an awareness of the many career options available to them, an exploration of what happens after school graduation, an opportunity to motivate them into better achievement goals and attendance in school, resulting in improved preparation for their future in the “real world of employment”.

Business and Career Professionals from all over Connecticut come to meet with over 1300 students from Middlesex County and surrounding area high schools, to present and share their career experiences, giving the students an excellent opportunity to explore potential careers, so that they may better plan their future educational goals.


Chairman: Tim Myjak, EKI Environment & Water

Staff Liaison: Johanna Bond

The Building Committee, established in January 2023, was created to survey and address infrastructure improvements to the Chamber building.

Built in 1915, the building has faced many challenges with flooding, a leaking roof and in desperate need of new windows, doors, and a first-floor renovation.

The committee is comprised of eight building industry professionals who will continue to develop a plan to address the improvements and identify budget needs. This group is critical to ensuring this building can meet the modern needs of today, as we continue to serve as the center for business and economic development, and to reflect the energy and spirit of the Chamber.

This committee is a closed committee.



Staff Liaison: Joe Santaniello

The Car Cruise Committee plans and organizes the annual “Cruise Night on Main Street”. The committee helps plan all facets of the event including the registration of vintage cars, mapping out the placement of cars and vendors, seeking volunteers to assist with the event and public relations and more.  The Committee’s efforts provide a fun-filled evening of entertainment for people of all ages.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Joe Santaniello

Click here to learn more! 

Cruise Night- Square


Chairman: Jay Polke, Campo Realty

Staff Liaison: Johanna Bond

Each year the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce presents the Distinguished Citizen Award to one or more individuals who "have served as an inspiration to others and is recognized by the Middlesex community as having unselfishly given his or her time and talent to produce a lasting benefit to the area." The committee which consists of past distinguished citizens makes its selection from a list of nominees made by Chamber members.

This committee is a closed committee.


Chairman: Tim Myjak, EKI Environment & Water

Staff LiaisonSara Mendillo

Meetings occur on the first Wednesday of each month, at 8:00 a.m., in the Chamber Conference Room.

In 2017-2018, the chamber’s Environment, Land Use and Energy Committee officially re branded and has become the Environment and Infrastructure Council. In addition to its traditional areas of focus, the council is now also tasked with overseeing the chamber’s efforts on transportation and infrastructure. This includes not only roads, bridges, rail and waterways, but the electrical grid, natural gas pipelines, broadband and more. The council has also decided to focus on “economic resilience” by defending our members as best we can against the many threats that might face them, from weather to cyber and beyond. The Environment and Infrastructure Council looks forward to a busy, but productive future.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Sara Mendillo

Environment & Infrastructure Committee- Square


Chairman: Jay Polke, Campo Realty

Staff Liaison: Steve Ciskowski

New this year was the formation of the Finance Committee led by Committee Chair, Teresa Opalacz. The Committee under Teresa’s leadership has been an important addition to the Chamber organization and serves as a valuable resource to the Chamber and President Johanna Bond.

The Committee’s role allows for a much deeper dive into the finances of our organization. Members of the Committee bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table and this format provides a platform for insight into the Chamber accounting practices and finances. The group meets monthly to review financial statements and to discuss areas which may present financial opportunities or challenges for the Chamber. The Mission of the Committee is to assist in ensuring the financial sustainability of the Chamber.

This committee is a closed committee.



Chairman: Dante Fazzina

Staff Liaison: Danielle Aletta

The Chamber's Annual Golf Tournament is one of the premier amateur golf tournaments in the area. Proceeds from the tournament support Chamber programs and the Lorraine McHugh Scholarship, given to a graduating senior who will attend one of the Connecticut's State University System Schools.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact  Danielle Aletta

Click here for more info! 

Golf Committee- Square


Chairman: Al Santostefano

Staff LiaisonHaley Stafford

Holiday on Main Street has been a Middletown tradition since 1985. Main Street is decorated and special events occur on the Friday evening after Thanksgiving and on Saturday mornings until Christmas. Events include three tree lighting's, a parade with local band students, story times, pictures with Santa, wagon rides and more! Committee members assist in the planning of the event, coordinate volunteers, solicit sponsors and help on the day of the event.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Haley Stafford

Click here for more info! 

Magic of Middletown


Chairwoman: Nancy Nesbitt, Gorman + York

Staff LiaisonSara Mendillo

The Human Resource Council provides an opportunity for HR Professionals to discuss employment related topics, exchange ideas with their peers and receive professional development and training.  The council is in charge of creating engaging events, informational workshops and addressing recent legislative changes/requirements. Some of the topics for discussion include recruiting, termination policies and employee incentive and retention programs.

This committee is a closed committee. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Sara Mendillo

Click here for more info! 

***NOTE TO INSPECTOR: All visible graphics are our own design, and were produced for this particular shoot.***


Chairwoman: Darlene Kish, The Hilb Group of New England, LLC dba eBenefits Group NE

Staff LiaisonJohanna Bond

The Insurance Committee has recently met to address many issues that affect the rising costs of health insurance. The Committee took action against some pending legislation that could have widespread negative effects on all businesses. In addition to taking a stance against certain legislation, the group seeks to be an informational support group for the Chamber's member agents. By providing resources that cover many of the new, innovative plans, the Insurance Committee looks forward to a lasting contribution to the agent community.

This committee is a closed committee. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Johanna Bond

Click here for more info! 

Healthcare Council- Square


Staff Liaison: Johanna Bond

LEAD CT main strategic focus is to cultivate the region’s emerging leaders in their organizations, businesses and community. Our goal is to provide training both professionally and personally, develop peer to peer focus groups and introduce or further develop a variety of skills.  LEAD CT is a great platform for development and investment into the community by creating an opportunity to learn of ways to connect, build relationships, and become involved.

This committee is a closed committee. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Johanna Bond

Click here for more info! 



Chair: Richard Carella, Updike, Kelly & Spellacy

Staff Liaison: Sara Mendillo

Meetings occur on the second Friday of each month, at 8:00 a.m., in the Chamber Conference Room.

The Legislative Committee works hard as the chamber’s voice on important public policy issues in the State of Connecticut.  The committee is responsible for creating the chamber’s Public Policy Agenda on a yearly basis, and hosts five major legislative events every year. These include: the Legislative Breakfast with the Middlesex County legislative delegation, and four leadership events featuring leaders from each of the legislative caucuses in Hartford. The Legislative Committee will continue to pursue legislation that encourages Connecticut businesses to invest and grow opportunities for good, well-paying jobs.

This committee is a closed committee. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Sara Mendillo

Click here for more info! 

Legislative Committee- Square


Chairman: Chris Dimou, Roto Frank of America, Inc.

Staff Liaison: Chris Cambareri

The Manufacturers’ Council focuses on the important issues facing the manufacturing community in Middlesex County. The council hosts informative meetings at different manufacturing facilities throughout our region. These events typically focus on legislative advocacy, best practices within manufacturing, workforce development, and the health of the regional supply chain. The Manufacturers’ Council will continue to support this vital Middlesex County industry sector and create valued opportunities for its member manufacturers.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Chris Cambareri.

Committee members include:

  • Chairman: Chris Dimou, President & CEO, Roto Frank of America, Inc.
  • Alison Carey-Lynch, Vice President, Carey Manufacturing
  • Ron Bodeau, President, Sound View Plastics, LLC
  • Brian Weinstein, President/CEO, Chapco Inc
  • David Parmelee, President,Wepco Plastics Inc

Check out our Manufacturers' Council Resource Page! 



Staff Liaison: Weldon Russell

Middlesex Substance Abuse Prevention Council works to reduce substance abuse in Middlesex County. By coordinating grassroots, community activities, we’ve been able to reduce the negative impact of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs on our population, along with prescription drug abuse and addictive gambling. The health of children and young adults is our primary focus. MCSAAC is a prevention organization. Our intent is to delay—or completely prevent—the use of addictive substances before they become a medical problem



Chairwoman: Teresa Opalacz, Guilmartin, DiPiro & Sokolowski, LLC

Staff Liaison: Johanna Bond

The Nominating Committee reviews and recommends nominations for officers of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce and its Board of Directors. Members of the committee are past chairman of the Chamber.

This committee is a closed committee.



Chairman: Harry Burr, Brown & Brown of Ct. Inc. d/b/a McCutcheon Burr & Sons

Staff Liaison: Weldon Russell

The Chamber's Prevention Committee continues to build on past efforts to combat substance abuse in the workplace. The CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services awarded a grant to the Chamber to provide services for individual transitioning from treatment into the workforce. The Committee also assists in marketing the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for the benefit of our members. This program now covers more than 3,000 employees and works with Solutions EAP and Middlesex Hospital to provide access to counseling, referral and treatment resources for employees on a multitude of issues including bereavement, depression and anger management.

The Prevention Committee continues to address the unique challenges presented by substance abuse in the workplace by holding seminars and panel discussions throughout the year.



Nancy Currlin, William Raveis Real Estate

Juliet Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh & Company, LLC

Staff LiaisonSara Mendillo

The Steering Committee meets on the first Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m., in the Chamber Conference Room.

The Real Estate Council’s mission is to provide opportunities for local real estate professionals to come together for networking, encouraging cooperation, sharing of ideas, to improve business relations through collaboration and educational experiences.

This council is a closed council. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Sara Mendillo

Real Estate Council- Square


Megan Bush, Wadsworth Mansion

Staff LiaisonHaley Stafford

The Strategic Events Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 p.m., in the Chamber Conference Room.

The Strategic Events Committee was created in 2022 with the goal of evaluating chamber activities and events. The committee, under the leadership of chairwoman Meg Bush, is busy planning for various mid to large scale events to diversify the chamber's current programming with the goal of raising funds to benefit various chamber programs and to encourage member connections through fun and interactive events. While our chamber hosts over 5 large-scale events currently, we are always looking to branch out to new event options, styles, and previously untapped attendees.

This council is a closed council. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Haley Stafford.

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Chairman: Phil Cacciola, American Legion Post #75

Staff Liaison: Sara Mendillo

The Support the Troops Committee is tasked with planning and executing the chamber’s annual Support the Troops and Honor the Veterans Member Breakfast Meeting that is held every November. The committee includes representatives of all of the local Veterans Organizations, past recipients of the William J. Pomfret Veteran Community Service Award, and business people from many different industry sectors. The Support the Troops Committee works to identify potential speakers for the major chamber event, and serves as a resource to the chamber at large on issues such as the employment of veterans and other important issues.

This committee is a closed committee. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Sara Mendillo

Support the Troops


Chairman:  Paul Mayer, DATTCO, and Bob Bell, Destination Development Group

Staff Liaison: Haley Stafford

The Tourism Steering Committee's main focus is to position Middlesex County as a regionally, nationally and internationally recognized State of Connecticut destination through developing, promoting events, and destinations that attract guests and spur growth and economic development.

This committee is a closed committee. If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Haley Stafford

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Co-Chairs: Sarah Gadsby, River Valley Services and Nancy Boyle, Torrison Stone & Garden

Staff Liaison: Haley Stafford

The Women’s Leadership Collaborative joined the Chamber team in late fall of 2017 and is the premier resource for women to engage in professional development programs to promote personal and professional growth. Their goal is to unite a diverse mix of inspirational women leaders who empower women to achieve success. The Women’s Leadership Collaborative aims to foster educational, networking and mentorship opportunities to support and advance women in both the business and nonprofit sectors. Meetings occur on the fourth Wednesday of each month, at 8:30 a.m., in the Chamber Conference Room.

Click here for more info! 

Copy of Women's Leadership Collaborative (Logo)


Co-Chairs: Jake Forrester, Charles IT and Michael Mayo, Justbecause Media

Staff Liaison: Haley Stafford

The Young Professionals' Alliance is a personal and professional development committee that is comprised of young Chamber members looking to make a difference. The YPA is designed to help young business people interact socially, exchange ideas and interests, and gain an insider's view of the regional business scene. YPA meets on a monthly basis and hosts many special events throughout the year. The alliance is currently exploring new and innovative ways to assist in the attraction, retention and development of young professionals in Middlesex County.

This committee is an open committee! If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact Haley Stafford