Economic Development Newsletter
October 2024

Incorporated in 1840, Westbrook is located on the Connecticut shoreline and is comprised of 16 square miles bordered by the towns of Clinton, Essex, Deep River, Killingworth, and Old Saybrook. With nine marinas, four miles of coastline, and the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Westbrook’s economy is supported by tourism and recreation, manufacturing, retail, restaurants, and service-based businesses.
Westbrook is home to the Lee Company, Water’s Edge Resort, and Safe Harbors/Pilot Point Marina. I-95 and Shoreline East train service make Westbrook a perfect location for transit-oriented development (TOD) opportunities.
Current Population: 6,816
Median Age: 55
Median Household Income: $76,779
Top Industries
1. Manufacturing
2. Hospitality & Food Service
3. Retail
4. Healthcare & Social Support
5. Government
Median Home Value: $399,500
Median Rent: $1,310
Housing Units: 4,185
From 2024 Town Profiles courtesy of AdvanceCT and CT Data Collaborative.
Highlights of economic development projects and initiatives in Westbrook.
Westbrook Outlets Proposed Redevelopment: Led by Lexington Partners, in partnership with Innovalis Hoche Partners, the proposal includes a 100-room hotel, 595 apartments, 100 condos, and 80Kft2 retail, dining, and entertainment space, resulting in over $3M in tax revenue to the town, and just under $5M in local consumer spending. Estimated to begin construction in 2025.
Town Center Wastewater Project: To realize the Town Center Vision and full development potential, a community wastewater system is being proposed with a conceptual plan delivered; the project is now in the testing and community meetings stage, with funding opportunities being explored for the engineering and construction phase.
Tax Incentive Ordinance: Adopted in May of 2024, the ordinance is designed to attract, retain, and expand businesses and encourage economic growth in the Town.
Four Shore Coastal Resiliency: The four coastal communities of Clinton, Westbrook, Old Saybrook, and Fenwick are working together to develop a regional Coastal Resiliency Plan to result in a comprehensive understanding of risks associated with sea level rise, a shared vision for the future, and the identification of strategies and projects to reduce risk and build community resilience.
Town Center Mural: After years in the making through the efforts of the EDC and Town Center Revitalization Committee, and funded by public donations and grants, the mural depicting the historic first submarine, “The Turtle,” is underway with the muralist making progress thanks to the pleasant fall weather.
EDC Business Recognition Program: The Economic Development Commission is developing a regular program of recognition and promotion, beginning in 2025, to showcase Westbrook businesses in Town Hall, on the Town’s website, and on social media.

Peter Gillespie, AICP
Peter Gillespie joined The Town of Westbrook in January of 2022 as the Town Planner, having previously worked in planning and economic development in Marlborough, New London, and Wethersfield. Peter received his (AICP) American Institute of Certified Planners certification from the American Planning Association in 2001, and his planning and community engagement work was recognized by the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association with the Public Sector Award for the Planning and Design Process for the City of New London’s Downtown Waterfront Park project. Peter was also recognized by the Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies with their Lifetime Achievement Award.
Having a wide range of planning studies and implementation projects over his career and is the lead on the Town Center Wastewater Project, the Westbrook Outlets Redevelopment Project, and acts as the project manager for the Four Shore Coastal Resiliency Planning effort.
Three Questions for Patrick Kenny
We sat down with Patrick Kenny, Vice President of Lexington Partners LLC, property developer on the Westbrook Outlets redevelopment project. We talked about how the project came to be, what it has been like working with the Town of Westbrook, and the trends in mixed-use development.
Q: How did Lexington Partners get involved in this redevelopment project?
A: Just over two years ago, we were approached by Innovalis Hoche Partners, the owners of the Westbrook Outlets, as they were familiar with our work in other towns like Wethersfield and Old Saybrook. Our visions aligned for a new, large, and exciting opportunity for a housing, retail, restaurant, entertainment, and hospitality destination along the Connecticut shoreline. The mix of both apartments and condos (townhomes) would be unique, serving an unmet need in the area. We like the challenges this project brings – demolition of the existing structures and building a new community wastewater treatment plant – along with the desire to integrate the beloved movie theater experience into the mix, we’re aiming for a groundbreaking in late summer of 2025.
Q: How has it been working with the Town of Westbrook?
A: Awesome. From the start First Selectman John Hall and Town Planner Peter Gillespie have been supportive, easy to communicate with, and open to ideas, providing assistance where they can on the DEEP application and process, and organizing meetings with other town departments including emergency services. It’s been great working with Peter again – we worked together on the Borden in Wethersfield in 2020 – and next up is our application to the Wetlands Commission, as well as, Planning & Zoning, and we’re confident that our solid relationship will continue with the Town of Westbrook.
Q: What do you see regarding trends in mixed-use development in Connecticut?
A: While the term’s a bit overused, the “live-work-play” model is still very popular, and shows no signs of waning. Being able to have easy access to entertainment, restaurants, and non-traditional retail is important for both sides of our demographics – the over 55 and the around 30’s. Experiential retail – like beauty and spa, massage and self-care – and fun options that mix food and beverages with games, are a trend we see nationally and we want very much for these be a part of this development, too.

What is a Tax Abatement?
Property tax abatements, exemptions, and reductions are subsidies that lower the cost of owning real and business personal property by reducing or eliminating the taxes a company pays on it. “Real property” is land and all the things that are attached to it, such as buildings while “business personal property” is everything else, such as machinery.
Defined under state statute, each Connecticut municipality can offer local tax abatements, for a maximum ten year term, for both real estate and manufacturing machinery and equipment. They’re based on a sliding scale, depending on the level of investment. When a company receives a property tax exemption, it pays no taxes at all for the length of the deal. When a company receives a property tax abatement or incentive, its taxes are abated (reduced) by a certain percentage for however long the deal lasts. The municipalities or state governments issuing the abatements typically benefit by being able to better attract residents and businesses, supporting overall growth for towns, cities, and other municipalities which may lead to more jobs in the city or region, new buildings, such as retail shopping centers or medical facilities, and businesses investing in other infrastructure, such as power lines or roads.

An idea of Middlesex Chamber’s Westbrook Tourism Liaison, Meri Wick, CoastalCT is a collaboration between the Economic Development Commissions in Madison, Clinton, Old Saybrook, and Westbrook, the four Chambers of Commerce, as well as representatives from tourism and hospitality-related businesses in the four towns.
Launched in 2024, the collaboration aims to brand CoastalCT as a tourism destination and promote the unique arts, culture, recreation, events, retail, food, and hospitality experiences available to tourists – and locals – through advertising and an app, showcasing the options for visitors of all ages. Click here to view and download the app.